My name is K, and I’m a Clutterbug. (“Hi, Karen.”) It’s actually genetic in my family – on both sides. My in-laws are no better. When two clutterbugs marry (although one of them is in denial: Lovey) it’s not pretty.
The method of this blog is to document the madness of my journey from breaking out of my clutterbug routine and evolve into a pseudo-minimalist. Hey, just being realistic. Cuz I still like STUFF… I’ll document my successes (hopefully many!) and my failures (hopefully few!) on my journey.
Why am I doing this?Because I’m tired of having to run around and clean in a flurry when company comes over.
Because I’m tired of spending every weekend cleaning this monster of a house instead of doing something fun.
Because I feel guilty when I sit down and read or watch TV when there is clearly something to clean or put away.
Because who really needs two (or three, eesh) dozen bras if they don’t really fit right and you only wear maybe 3-4?
Because I need to use my library card I so proudly acquired and stop increasing Amazon’s profit margin by purchasing book after book.
Because it’s super frustrating to dig around to find the Other Black Shoe in the bottomless closet when I am already running late.
Because it makes me sad to see all of this crap and be comsumed by it.
Because maybe I’ll sleep better at night.
Because maybe then I will eat right and exercise and feel better about myself because my surroundings are pretty.
Pretty heavy stuff…who knew?
So how do I plan to do this? One room at a time, one day at a time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. By this time next year, I want peace of mind and order in the McManse. A place for everything and everything in its place. All hokey sayings, yes. All appropriate to the situation, yes.
I’ll even take before and afters of everything I do. I ain’t skerred. Well, maybe a little. It’s gonna be a hard year. But maybe, hopefully (please, pretty please) it’ll be worth it.