Family room clean and accounted for. Thankfully, the Christmas decorations are back in the attic. Dog beds have been cleaned and odo-banned. Baseboards have been cleaned - as have the blinds. Who knew blinds could get so filthy? I even cleaned off the outlet covers and the switchplates. Yes, I did!
Random to-do: take curtains down and wash. This has become a prime weapon in my cleaning arsenal:

Behold, the Dyson (Dyswoon!) DC25, all floor vacuum. I have to admit Lovey scored an
incredible deal on it. When bargain shoppers marry, sigh....
The Dyswoon is a godsend, especially if you have one of these

a couple of these

and, well, a Lovey.
we have a Dyson DC 14 and LOVE IT! I think we've had it over a year and it is still going incredibly strong. I've never had that happen before. Well, there was one time when we spent $25 at this refurbished vacuum shop and got a Singer (yes, like the sewing machine) vacuum, which had a by-pass motor. The guy told me that is what makes the difference, that the stuff that flows in doesn't really go through the motor. That lasted about 5 years - best $25 I've ever spent. Anyhoooo, the little man died and we were sad and we wasted a lot of money getting a few more dumb vacuum cleaners until we splurged for the dyson. Still thankful...